
Drive me crazy terra elan mcvoy
Drive me crazy terra elan mcvoy

drive me crazy terra elan mcvoy

Nikki's blind love for Dee causes her to lie to the police when they come to question her. When Nikki is at Bird's place on Sunday, she see a television news report about a policeman, Deputy Marshall Palmer, who has been murdered outside his home on Saturday. Then Dee had gotten crazy and done something really strange that involved disguises and lots of gunshots. Without asking Bird, they took her car and went to a part of town Nikki had never been to before.

drive me crazy terra elan mcvoy

Nikki thinking they were going on a special weekend was more than happy to go. Then on Saturday he'd asked her to go for a drive. Although Bird had warned her about getting involved again with Dee, Nikki felt her love for Dee was the right thing. This was more than enough proof of his love for her. But in May he had returned, with a large tattoo of the letter "N" on his chest surrounded by wings. Nikki had met Denarius Pavon, Dee for short, months ago and they had broken up for a period of time. And she did just that until she learns what really happened. According to Nikki, he needed her to be strong and to help him. On their way from her best friend, Bird's home to the station, they work out exactly what he would say. So when the police want to talk to Dee about what went down the day before, Nikki is right there to help him figure out a story to tell the police. Nikki loves her boyfriend Dee, for whom she would do anything.

Drive me crazy terra elan mcvoy